
Momentum Moving Forwards


Just before Christmas, Jeremy Corbyn emailed members of Momentum setting out his vision for our movement and to asking members to share theirs. 40.3% of members completed the survey. The results of the survey are available here.

The results of the survey show that there is a widespread consensus about the type of organisation members want - a grassroots, campaigning political movement that can help Labour win power on a transformative platform.

Campaigning for Labour victories and helping members become more active in the Labour Party were the most popular options for Momentum’s priorities in 2017, chosen by 71.7% and 68.2% of respondents respectively.

80.6% of respondents said that key decisions should be taken by One Member One Vote, rather than by delegates at regional and national conferences and committees (12.5%). 79.3% of respondents said all members should have a say in electing their representatives, as opposed to national representatives being elected by delegates from local groups (16.2%).

3,369 members submitted further comments, ideas and suggestions for Momentum in 2017, and a qualitative and quantitative analysis of these members' contributions is underway.


The Steering Committee voted to introduce a constitution for Momentum to deliver the kind of action-focussed, campaigning organisation that our members want.

Read a summary of the constitution and how it affects you here, and read the full constitution here.

The constitution aims to clarify Momentum’s purpose, goals and organisation, so that our energy and resources can be channelled into supporting members and local groups. It is also intended to improve transparency and reduce the internal bureaucracy within Momentum.

Participatory, grassroots democracy in Momentum

The constitution empowers members to directly elect their representatives, and gives all members a say in key decisions.

Elections to the National Coordinating Group
Under Momentum’s constitution, all members can stand and vote in elections for positions on the National Coordinating Group (NCG). Elections to the NCG will take place online or by other accessible means, with each member having a vote. Please find more information in this Election Process for the NCG document. The NCG also includes places for Labour public office holders, representatives of affiliated trade unions and other organisations.

Members’ Council
A Members’ Council will be chosen randomly by lot every 6 months to ensure that ideas, inspiration and innovation from the grassroots drives Momentum’s activities. The Members’ Council will provide oversight on, and make recommendations to, the NCG, and develop Momentum’s activities, resources and campaigns.

Digital Democracy Platform
Momentum will provide a digital democracy platform to ensure that all members are empowered to initiate and vote on campaign priorities, constitutional amendments or overturning decisions by the NCG.

Momentum’s National Conference

Momentum’s Inaugural National Conference took place on the 18 February. To reflect the priorities of the membership, the Conference focussed on the theme ‘Momentum’s role in Labour’s General Election Strategy.’ It was a day of grassroots activist training, political education workshops and discussion attending by thousands of people including John McDonnell MP.

The constitution requires all new Momentum members to be Labour Party members. Existing Momentum members who are not already Labour Party members are being encouraged to join Labour by 1 July. You can join Labour here.

Momentum members who have been suspended, but not expelled, will remain members of Momentum. Momentum members who believe they have been expelled from the Labour Party unfairly, along with individuals about whom membership decisions are taken, have the right to hearing by Momentum's National Coordinating Group. 

Supporters of Momentum who are not members, can participate in campaigns and activities organised by a local group, network or Momentum nationally, but cannot hold a position within Momentum, vote in elections or hold other membership rights.