Winning the General Election

Theresa May has called a snap general election for 8th June.

Jeremy Corbyn’s common sense policies to rebalance our economy in favour of the many are extremely popular with the public. In the next 6 weeks, we have to go out there and communicate these policies to millions of voters.

We can be the biggest campaigning force this country has ever seen. If every single one of us gets out on the campaign trail, we can win this election for Labour.

Here’s three ways you can get involved




1. Get out campaigning 

Knocking on doors and joining phone banks are the backbone of any successful campaign. Research has shown that authentic conversations on the doorstep are the best way of changing people's minds and getting them out to vote. Here are three ways to get involved in campaigning:

Labour Party events

Campaign weekends

    • Use our new map to find your nearest marginal constituency, get up to date information about campaigning sessions and carpool with other activists by either getting a lift there or, if you’re driving, offering one yourself.


Find your nearest marginal

2. Join our Mobilisation Team

Another key part of building a mass, people-powered campaign is making sure Momentum's 24,000 members are mobilised and out on the doorstep. We're using new technology and innovative campaigning techniques to make this happen. You can get involved by:

  • Phonebanking for our Campaign Weekends in Manchester and London. See the Momentum events page for more information. 

Campaign weekends

  • Phonebanking from your living room using the Call for Labour phoneapp here


Call for Labour

3. Get trained up

 Going canvassing can be intimidating, especially if it is your first time. Here are two things you can do to get doorstep ready:

  • Attend a training. We're running Bernie Sanders campaign style trainings across the country. Click here to find one near you. 




  • Read up. We've released a series of guides on canvassing and policy that give you a run down on what we're arguing and how to argue it. Give them a read before you hit the doorstep. 

Momentum groups in the general election guide

Canvassing guide long version or canvassing guide short version

Policy talking points long version or policy talking points short version

